For our sightseeing adventure......First, we stopped off at a jade factory, where we saw how jade is carved and polished to make jewelery, fine art, etc. We also learned how to distinguish between real and fake jade. It was pretty interesting and there were some really elaborate pieces of jade carvings/art on display. We took a picture of this massive jade carved ship (below).
We then picked up two pendants (one for each of our girls). The are beautiful, each with different Chinese characters in the middle- one that means "fortune" and the other "happiness". It was here at the jade factory where Emily and I also experienced our first "squatty potty". Instead of being raised like western style toilets, these are flat/even with the ground with a place for each foot on either side of the bowl. You stand with your feet on the designated areas, squat and try to miss your pants....heehee. It was pretty clean, just different.
As we were leaving the jade factory (to head on to the Great Wall), the skies opened up and there was a torrential downpour. Of course, this didn't stop us from climbing the wall (which was AMAZING...they don't call it "great" for nothing), but we were all completely soaked through....especially Emily, and the poor kid was shivering (I felt so bad). The one good thing, though, was that our next stop was lunch and that the restaurant was attached to a big store with tons of traditional Chinese outfits and other Chinese apparel, etc. So we bought a traditional pink silk outfit for Emily so that she could be nice and dry. It really is a beautiful outfit and I hope to pick up more in Guangzhou for both of the girls.
After lunch, we came back to the hotel and rested for a while, until it was time to meet up with the group for dinner. And now it is time for bed. :) I am beat! So were Mike and Emily, but they are asleep already. :)
Tomorrow, we are off to Tian Men Square and the Forbidden City. And then we fly out tomorrow evening to Abigail's province, where, per our guide, we will meet her most likely tomorrow night at the hotel shortly after arrival(instead of waiting until Monday, like previously thought). We are getting soooooo close now! Can't wait to meet our baby girl!
So I am confused about timing with the time difference and all...but I think by this time (10:00 am on Sunday on the East Coast) you have most likely met Abigail!!! I am crying while I write this. We are so excited for all of you.
Hi Kate, Mike, Emily and maybe Abigail!
Dad told me you spoke on the phone yesterday and filled me in on everything (most of which you have posted here too). So glad that Emily got to take the trip with you. We were waiting for your phone call today to let us know about Abigail but assume you didn't get her yet. We're on pins and needles, so anxious to hear all about your first meeting. Hopefully you'll get to talk to us tomorrow. We're leaving for VT Tuesday afternoon until Friday and will look at your blog for updates when we get back. Much love and best of luck to all.
Mom and Dad
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