Sunday, June 26, 2011

We are here!!!

After a long trip with about a zillion potty breaks and at least 5 emergency clothing changes (for the kids- not us), we are HERE!!! Are we tired? Yes! Are we excited? Infinite yes! Missy, our guide / translator has been awesome, helping us to get us to our hotel and to our room. Tomorrow, we get to meet the older of our two new sons, Zheng Tong, and (not surprisingly), we are unable to sleep right now from the anticipation. Stay tuned!


Michele said...

Soooooo excited for you. Cant wait to hear more. Can you sneak my girl home with you?

Kate, Mike and the kiddos said...

I wish I could. :) I can't wait to follow your travel blog and celebrate your adoption alongside you, Michele. Sending positive vibes that the rest of your process goes as quickly as possible.

Once A Mother said...

bring on those boys! cant wait to see the first pictures of you all together

mom, dad and danny said...

Dear Mike, Kate, Emily, Abby, Dylan and Zheng Tong,

It was so exciting to talk to you and our precious new grandson, Tong Tong. We are so very happy for all of you. We can hardly wait to talk to Hu Jie, too. We saw their bedroom Sunday. It's beautiful. They'll love it.

Give hugs and kisses to all our grandchildren as well as all our love.

Keep us posted.

Mom, Dad and Danny

ps the chinese word for restroom is xi shou jian. The first two words have the "u" above it and the last word has the straight line above it. Hungry is e, tired is lei and sleepy is kun all with a forward slant above it. Thirsty is ke with the "u" above it.