Thursday, October 05, 2006

We are all done with the adoption paperwork (and everything has been submitted to our homestudy and adoption agencies). Yay!!!! The ONLY thing we are waiting on is the finalized draft of the homestudy from our social worker. Without this, we cannot proceed. The social worker needed my CPA letter to finalize the draft (which we sent in to her last week). Even though it has only been a week since the SW received our final paperwork from us, it seems like an eternity that we've been waiting for the homestudy final draft (In case you haven't noticed, I am not very good at waiting). The reason why it feels like so long is because this is the only piece of paper holding up our whole process. Without this draft, we can't apply to the Immigration office for the government's permission to adopt an orphan abroad (the process of getting this approval alone can take about 8 weeks). And without this approval, we are unable to send our documents (dossier) to China. And without our documents in China, the Chinese government doesn't even know we exist, and we can't even begin the waiting process for a baby..... So, as you can see....everything hinges on getting this homestudy draft. What is so nerve-wracking is that we are no longer in control of our paperwork....Not that we're stressing out, or anything!!! :) For all who read this message, please pray that we receive this homestudy soon, so that we can sleep at night again! Did I mention that I don't like not being in control of our paperwork? Did I mention that I don't like waiting? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

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