Monday, November 06, 2006

So, on Saturday I officially turned 30- and what a birthday it was. First off, some of my friends treated me to a morning at the spa (massage and pedicure), which was absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!! Then I came home to a warm birthday welcome from my husband, my parents, my sister, Mike’s parents and brothers, and several close friends. About an hour later, when the mail arrived, Mike and I were both racing to get to the mailbox first. (Of course, Mike let me “win”---it was MY birthday, after all! Heehee!) And when I got there, there was great news inside. We received our fingerprinting appointments for immigration. So we are all set to get fingerprinted on Tuesday, November 14, 2006 at 8:00 am. It was great to have our families right there to share the great news with! So, after we get fingerprinted, we will receive our clearance from the government several weeks later, and then all of our documents can go to China!!!! We are almost there!

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