Monday, March 03, 2008

We have great news! Mike and I received our LOA (Letter of Acceptance) from the CCAA (Chinese Center of Adoption Affairs) today, meaning that we have officially been approved and invited by the Chinese government to adopt Abigail Fu Jin. WOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! The only glitch is that, even though normally we could expect to travel to China 4 weeks from this date (allowing us to travel by April 1st), it looks like we will have to wait til May. There is a trade fair going on in China in April, which will make travel to China during this time almost impossible. So this, along with other factors per our agency, will most likely cause us to have to wait until 2 months from now to travel (May). I was on cloud nine when I first heard about the LOA being here, then I felt kind of down in the dumps about having to wait one more month to meet our little girl, and now I'm excited again that we at least know officially that we ARE traveling.

1 comment:

limoncelloSTYLE said...

YAY YAY YAY!!! We'll keep prayin!!